General objectives

Proof of social responsibility of the professional organisation; learning opportunity for members, marketing for EMCC, door opener for members, innovation playing field.

Beneficiaries in general

Institutions, groups, individuals who cannot finance coaching/mentoring from their own resources and work on a non-profit or not-for-profit basis.
Cannibalisation of paid professional coaching work, competition with existing mentoring programmes or simple language courses for migrants would be undesirable.


Professional services such as management of mentoring programmes or coaching in various forms. Concrete possibility in German language remains 2021:

Coaching of adults interested in education between 18 and 60, who have their education costs (co-)financed by the EDUCA Foundation in the form of loans, especially in the preparation of the application, financial planning or annual site assessments.

An agreement on the form and scope of this Solidarity Coaching between EMCC Switzerland and the EDUCA Foundation is available.

EDUCA SWISS finance votre formation initiale ou continue

Interested members

Who are willing to commit themselves (to a self-determined but minimal extent of a few hours per month) should contact Elisabeth Michel-Alder.

Quality control

Will be carried out by the EDUCA Foundation or the individuals involved.
An evaluation of the programme in an appropriate form is envisaged for 2022.

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